How to Make Tap Water Taste Better Without a Filter? 4 Natural Methods

Tap water is necessary for our daily lives, but sometimes its taste can be unpalatable, making it challenging to drink enough water. While many people turn to filters to improve the taste of their tap water, there are natural and other methods to make tap water taste better without a filter.

In this article, we will explore some methods that how to make tap water taste better without a filter and provide tips for maintaining tap water quality.

We will also explore some FAQs about the tap water problem. So let’s get dive into it.

Tap water is an essential source of hydration for our bodies. Still, sometimes it can taste bad, making it difficult to drink.

Some reasons why tap water tastes bad are because of minerals, bacteria, and chemicals that make their way into our water sources. While filters are a popular way to improve the taste of tap water, they can be costly and only sometimes necessary.

Natural and other methods exist to make tap water taste better without a filter.

4 Natural Methods for How to Make Tap Water Taste Better Without a Filter

  • Boiling Tap Water

Boiling tap water is a natural and straightforward method to improve its taste. Boiling tap water for 5–10 minutes can remove any impurities affecting its taste. After cooking, allow the water to cool and store it in a clean container.

How to Make Tap Water Taste Better Without a Filter?
  • Adding Fruits and Herbs

Adding fruits and herbs is a simple way to infuse tap water with natural flavors. Citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges are popular choices, as are herbs like mint and basil.

To use, slice or crush the fruit or herb and add it to a jug or bottle of tap water. Allow it to infuse for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

  • Infusing Tap Water with Tea

Adding tea bags to tap water may give it a refreshing taste. Green tea, herbal teas, and fruit teas are all fantastic choices. Brew the tea bags in a jug or bottle of tap water and allow them to cool before drinking.

  • Using a Water Bottle with a Built-in Fruit Infuser

Water bottles with built-in fruit infusers are a suitable and straightforward way to infuse tap water with natural flavors. Fill the infuser with your favorite fruit or herb, add water, and allow it to infuse for several hours or overnight.

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Other Methods for How to Make Tap Water Taste Better Without a Filter

  • Adding Salt to Tap Water

Adding a pinch of salt to tap water can sweeten its taste and make it more palatable. Salt can also help remove metallic or chemical flavors in the water.

How to Make Tap Water Taste Better Without a Filter?
  • Using Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a popular method to remove impurities from water and can also help sweeten its taste. Add a few pieces of activated charcoal to a jug or bottle of tap water and allow it to sit for several hours or overnight. The charcoal will absorb any impurities, resulting in cleaner and better-tasting water.

  • Adding Baking Soda

Baking soda can help neutralize tap water’s pH, making it less acidic and palatable. Add a pinch of baking soda to a glass of tap water and stir.

How to Make Tap Water Taste Better Without a Filter?
  • Using a Water Enhancer

Water enhancers are products designed to improve the taste of tap water. They come in various flavors and can be added to a glass or bottle of tap water to enhance their taste.

  • Using a Water-purifying Pitcher

Water purifying pitchers are an affordable and easy way to remove impurities from tap water, making it taste more pleasing. The pitchers use a filter to remove impurities, making neat and fresh-tasting water.

How to Store Tap Water Properly

The way you store tap water can impact its taste and quality. It’s important to store tap water in a clean container to prevent any impurities from entering the water. The most suitable containers are glass, stainless steel, or BPA-free plastic. Avoid using containers previously used to store chemicals or other liquids.

It’s also necessary to keep tap water away from direct sunlight and heat, which can cause bacterial growth and degrade water quality. Store tap water in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it for too long, as it can evolve stagnantly and develop an unpleasant taste.


Drinking enough water is important for our overall health, but sometimes tap water can taste unpalatable. While filters are a popular way to improve the taste of tap water, there are natural and other methods to make tap water taste better without a filter. Boiling tap water, adding fruits and herbs, infusing tap water with tea, and using a water bottle with a built-in fruit infuser are all excellent options.

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Other procedures, such as adding salt, using activated charcoal, adding baking soda, using a water enhancer, and using a water-purifying pitcher, are also great ways to sweeten the taste of tap water. It’s important to store tap water properly in a clean container, away from direct sunlight and heat, to maintain its quality and taste.


Yes, you can infuse tap water with any fruit or herb, but some fruits and herbs may impart a stronger flavor than others. Experiment with different fruits and herbs to find the ones you like best.

Yes, activated charcoal is safe to use to improve the taste of tap water. Still, it’s essential to use food-grade activated charcoal, not the type used in air filtration systems.

Cleaning your water bottle or container regularly is critical to preventing the growth of germs and other hazardous microbes. After each use, clean your water bottle or container with soap and warm water. Allow it to dry completely before reusing it.

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Yes, you can reuse tea bags to infuse tap water, but the flavor may be weaker than the first infusion. Experiment with the number of times you reuse the tea bag to find the right balance of flavor.

Yes, baking soda is safe to use in small quantities to improve the taste of tap water, but it’s important not to use too much as it can affect the water’s pH level.

Yes, a water-purifying pitcher can remove impurities and improve the taste of tap water. However, following the manufacturer’s instructions for using and maintaining the pitcher is essential.

It’s important to store tap water properly for emergencies. Use clean, airtight containers that are specially developed for long-term water storage. Store the containers in a cool, dry location, away from immediate sunlight and heat.

Drinking tap water in countries with poor water quality is not recommended, as it may contain harmful microorganisms or chemicals. It’s best to drink bottled water or use a water filtration system specifically designed for travel.

Final Thoughts

Improving the flavor of tap water doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You can have a refreshing and delicious drink without a filter using natural methods like boiling tap water, infusing tap water with fruits and herbs, or using a water bottle with a built-in fruit infuser.

It’s crucial to store tap water correctly in a clean container, away from direct sunlight and heat, to maintain its quality and taste. So next time you want to quench your thirst, try one of these methods to make your tap water taste better.